Dr. Pierce van Tonder
Integrative Health Practitioner
Dr Pierce van Tonder is a registered Phytotherapist (Medical Herbalist) with the AHPCSA and The American Herbalists Guild (AHG) (USA). He qualified as a Life Coach (NLP Practitioner) under Graham Nicholls (USA) and obtained membership with Comensa. He is registered with SACE as a registered qualified FET Teacher (Mancosa PGCE).
Dr Pierce considers himself a life long learner and boosted his knowledge with further qualifications as an Iridologist, Usui Reiki Master and La Stone Masseur. He has a sincere interest in weight loss and weight management as well as all chronic disease.
Dr Pierce value his patients and follows a patient centred health approach. He states that it is imperative to treat a patient holistically which means that all pillars of health must be taken into consideration and not only the symptoms. "Educating patients is a priority for optimal health and longevity" in his own words.
Dr Pierce has traveled extensively believing that an appreciation of diversity sculpts a person and teaches one tolerance, acceptance, and self-worth. He beliefs in family values and when not at work you may find him and his partner, with their two sons, on a nature expedition at their ultimate escape and place of relaxation - the Klein Karoo.
Dr Pierce has a passion for Latin American - and ballroom dancing a medium in which he is an instructor and adjudicator.
Dr Pierce consults from World of Wellness in Benoni. Please visit the website in link.