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Share the joy of giving this Christmas.

Updated: Oct 13, 2020

The World of Wellness Centre will be supporting the Santa Shoebox Project initiative to bring joy to children in need this Christmas.

What is it about?

Each year the Santa Shoebox Project collects and distributes personalized gifts of essential items and treats for underprivileged children throughout South Africa and Namibia.

The Santa Shoebox Project originated in Cape Town in 2006 with a humble 180 shoeboxes. In 14 years it has grown in leaps and bounds, with the number of Santa Shoeboxes donated reaching a total of 957 297.

The World of Wellness have pledged 20x shoeboxes to this project and are reaching out to you to open your hearts and support this cause.

How do you make a difference?

Create and donate a box targeted to bring joy to Luthando, Ayden, Neo and Tylar whom are just some of the children waiting for you to make magic for them this Christmas.


Contact the World of Wellness Centre to find out what child beneficiaries are still available.

Based on the child beneficiary details, you may make a Santa Shoebox for a boy or a girl from the ages of 2 - 14.

Refer to the below guidelines from the Santa Shoebox Project for ideas on how to pack your Santa Shoebox.

Have you already pledged your box to Santa's Shoebox? No problem, drop your box off with us & we will make sure that it gets to your chosen child.

For more information, visit the Santa Shoebox Website

Examples of some of the boxes already pledged

Get your boxes in to us soonest.

Last drop off date for these Santa Shoeboxes will be 25 October.

Where: World of Wellness Centre

Corner Davidson and Malcolm street, Rynfield, Benoni

Thanks for supporting the joy of giving this Christmas, with this Santa Shoebox initiative.

The World of Wellness Team

081 518 0044



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