Physiotherapy (Sports)
Although physiotherapy is a multifaceted degree, Sports physiotherapy focuses more on injuries that may occur in preparation for, and during sporting competitions and events. Injury prevention, management and rehabilitation are all key focus points, and a careful individual approach is taken with each athlete or sports person, young and old, serious sports or recreational.
Exercise is Medicine and as such getting people back to activity safely and healthy is key. Movement control and functional movement screening is used for identifying possible risk areas, as keeping people on the field is just as important as getting them back.
Common conditions include:
post-operative conditions (ACL/PCL, ankle ligaments, knee scopes and meniscus repairs, shoulder surgery, dislocations etc
sprains and strains,
muscle/tendon/ligament tears,
overuse injuries (shin splints, stress fractures, joint inflammation, ITB syndrome, low back pain), tendinopathies (tennis/golfers’ elbow, Achilles tendon, upper hamstring tendon, gluteal tendon etc)
imbalances- cross patterns
and more.